Saturday, November 30, 2019

Review of Winterbourne View by Teresa Curtis Essay Example

Review of Winterbourne View by Teresa Curtis Essay A review of the Winterbourne View Panorama I watched this documentary this morning with my class on the goings on at Winterbourne View Residential Hospital for adults with Learning Disabilities. I watched as a member of staff made complaints and went to the top to report what was going on in the home and was not taking seriously and ignored and nothing done about his complaints not even an investigation and ended up having to go to the BBC Panorama team. I am ashamed at the fact that the staff member, a senior male nurse called Terry Bryan had to go to people not in the health care industry to alk about what was happening and becoming a whistle-blower in order to help the patients as much as he could. I heard as the narrator stated that there was several different staff reporting abuse and still no investigation done to check for abuse. I heard the horror in the whistle blower Terry Bryans words as he told us what he experienced. I was disgusted as I watched carers poke a females eyes and hit her bare back after she had been restrained causing her to scream in pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Review of Winterbourne View by Teresa Curtis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Review of Winterbourne View by Teresa Curtis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Review of Winterbourne View by Teresa Curtis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I saw the carers automatically restrain the patients, even when they had done nothing wrong nd there was no need for restraint to be used. The fact they restrained them when not needed was bad, but the fact that they also used incorrect and dangerous ways of restraint shows me that they had either not been trained properly or disregarded any training they had and could end up killing the patient. In one episode of restraint that was included clearly showed a carer, leaning on the patients chest, with her other arm pushing on the neck above the carotid artery, which could cause serious damage or death. I watched clips of different carers abusing the patients, such as ne carer kicked the back of a patients leg whilst pulling their Jumper until the fell to the floor. Another carer stood on a patients hand, a third carer restrain someone using a chair and even worse another carer repeatedly punching a patients head, admittedly not hard, but continued to do so until they sais ding ding even though the patient was scared and wanting it to stop. I watched carers dump cold water on a patient and leave them outside during winter so that she was shaking, drag patients out of bed to the floor, and hit a patient repeatedly, I heard the narrator tells us that he undercover Journalist named Joe Casey was hired after a week of training with no experience caring but had extra training organised by the panorama team. On his first day I was horrified at the amount of abuse he recorded. They showed a carer verbally abusing a patient he shoved to the floor and was restraining by saying suffocate on your own fat abusing the patient both physically and mentally. I watched and listened as one member of staff had a conversation with Joe and gave him a piece of advice concerning a patient who had been restrained with the arm bove her carotid artery and then a quilt used to cover her mouth. She told him the minute she gets anywhere close to you, you Just have to do what you got to do. If youre on your own, like. If you have to smash her and you smash her, but you know, you dont let tnat Ine minute sne sta rts snoutlng, I dont let ner on ner Teet. I get ner straight down. And when he replied with Oh right, so get her straight in the floor? she replied with The minute she starts shouting. You wont calm her down. Itll get worse and somebodyll get hurt. Either a patient or yourselves. And then thats a big, big statement you have to write why somebodys got hurt. And the first thing managementll ask you, why wasnt she on the floor. Yeah I Just whack them all down. I listened as Joe said when describing what he thought that It was pretty much run by a group of bullies for the own entertainment. They showed their footage to Clinical Psychologist Andrew McDonald, an expert in the handling of patients with Challenging Behaviours. It was clear to see that he was appalled at what he was seeing and he called it Stonehenge. He told us the techniques they were using for estraint were not taught techniques and that in his opinion they were making it up as they go along. The whistle-blower, Terry Bryan had gone to the hospitals management a year before with a list of the patients he felt was in the most danger but was ignored. I watched as staff made threats to the patients scaring them into complying and distanced from their family isolating them to Just each other and the carers. I watched as one patient had his bottle stolen from him that he takes everywhere and purposely kept away from him making him a source of nter tainment for the staff and later heard from Dr Andrew McDonald how doing that could trigger a panic attack. The hospitals Job was to evaluate and treat the patients to try and get them back into the community. They were meant to assess patients psychological and psychiatric state and work out the best way to respond to the patients needs and behaviour and figure out the best way of supporting them. I was appalled to learn that the NHS was signing large checks weekly for each patient and was not being told what the money was being used for and placed their trust in them without checking up on complaints made. There should have been activities and days out planned with the money as well as entertainment for the patients to use in the hospital as well as there was more than enough money to organise a few things for the patients to enjoy. I was shocked at the system wide failures that was pointed out due to the lack of checking and communication over the complaints received. I was also shocked that no links had been made by the police, NHS commissioners and other companies that received complaints about Winterbourne View. The things the patients suffered through is nothing but institutional and ystematic abuse as they were not only abused by the carers but the system that was meant to protect and help them. The most disturbed thing in my mind about this whole thing is that the staff was experienced and was not new to the Job, such as one having 6 years of experience and clearly was showed to be abusing the patients. Overall I am disgusted at the lack of humanity shown by the staff involved and the neglect by the NHS shown. I am disgraced at the amount of abuse that happened in a 5 week period that the undercover person was there for. I believe that the NHS not nly failed to do its Job but failed in the responsibilities parents, relatives and friends gave them to protect the patient but they utterly failed and caused more damage because they simply did not follow up complaints. There is no excuse for what nappenea Decause tnere were more tnan enougn complalnts not only to tne company but to the health care watchdog and police who should have looked into the complaints more deeply as well as communicate to be able to see that there was a problem at the hospital. And the fact that there were at least 40 safeguarding alerts here nothing was done to find out about them. In my opinion after this event the system needed a complete review and overhaul and other hospitals need to be looked into to find out if they are abusing the patients and causing more damage as well as spending tax payers money for things not needed wasting it away as Winterbourne View clearly showed that they were not using the money responsibly. This should never have happened and probably would not have happened if the NHS Commissions, Police, Social Services and anyone else involved had done their Jobs right. This review was done by Teresa Curti

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas)

The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas) As  a marketer, you’re creating a lot of content, and you want that content to generate subscribers. To generate those subscribers, you need to create content upgrades  your audience is chomping at the bit to download. You also know that giving away free ebooks as a content upgrade is a great way to generate more subscribers. Why? Because ebooks provide a ton of value which can convince your customers to give up their email address. At , we’ve generated as many as 2,625 new email subscribers from an ebook following the process you’re about to learn. But are ebooks worth the effort to build? Absolutely! And with the right template and outline, creating an ebook can be easy. This post will walk you through the nine steps you need to take to create and write an ebook effectively. Plus we’ve included three templates, so all you have to do is fill the text and turn it into a PDF. There’s no need for a designer. So you can throw the excuses of not having time to write an ebook out the window, and create content that generates subscribers and subsequently helps you grow your customer base. The Best eBook Template That Will Help You Generate More Subscribers In 9 Easy StepsDownload Your Ebook Template Bundle (Word + PowerPoint) Download your ebook template bundle to create ebooks at the drop of a hat quickly. Inside you’ll find: eBook outline template:  This template will help you format your thoughts and ideas before you start writing so you can stay on track. PowerPoint eBook template:  This PowerPoint ebook template will let you quickly customize and format your ebook so all you have to do is hit publish. Word  eBook template: This word template is another way for you to format, customize, and create your ebook. With these three templates, you won’t even need a designer to help you wrap up your ebook. You can do it all yourself. Grab this free #ebook template bundle from @to build your brand's authorityWhat Is An Ebook? For marketing purposes, an ebook is a brief book on a specific topic that is available in a downloadable format such as PDF, .mobi (to read on Amazon Kindle), and .epub (to read on Barnes and Noble Nook and other e-readers). These ebooks provide a variety of benefits for marketers, including: Generating subscribers Allowing you to reuse content you’ve previously written Telling a comprehensive story Getting your content on more  channels Ebooks provide something of value for customers while capturing information for the marketers who create them. Why Are Ebooks So Important For Marketers? Ebooks allow marketers to dive into a topic and teach their audience about it. The fact of the matter is blog posts sometimes can't be long enough to cover an entire topic, and if a topic is complicated, it can be challenging to cover in one post. By creating ebooks, marketers can target their audience and build content upgrades  that provide additional value for their readers. By ensuring that value, customers are then willing to share valuable information in return (ie. their email address). 9 Steps To Creating Your Own Ebook Writing an ebook can be easy as long as you plan. Because these books are a bit lengthier than your average blog post, it can be easy to get off track. However, by using this nine-step process, you’ll be able to, as we say at , plan your work, then work your plan. Here's how to create the perfect ebook for your business in nine steps.Step One: Choose Your Topic The first step in creating your ebook is to choose a topic. These topics should be something that your audience wants to learn more about. What questions do they have that you want your ebook to be able to answer? Now, you may already know the topics that your audience is interested in. If you don’t, you can use some necessary SEO keyword research skills to find out what your audience is interested in. So let’s say for example, that your audience is interested in gardening. To find a specific topic that your audience is interested in, open a tool like Moz  or Ahrefs  and type your subject into the search bar: From there, you’ll see a related list of keywords that match the topic you first entered. In the case of our example, our marketer might want to write an ebook on gardening tools, since it appears in list: If you don’t want to use keywords to determine your ebook topics, you could also pose a question to a Facebook group (if your brand has one) and ask what your audience wants to see directly. You could also create a survey using tools like Survey Monkey  or PollDaddy  and send it directly to your audience via email. Some questions you could ask your audience are: What are topics in our [industry] that you would be interested in learning about? What problems are you currently facing? What are the biggest problems your team is facing? Once you have determined what topic you want to cover, record it in your ebook outline template: Recommended Reading: How To Create Content That Ranks For 11,000+ Keywords With Julia McCoy From Express Writers [AMP 057] 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Step Two: Create Your Title Once you have your topic decided, you need to figure out what major subtopics you want to cover in your book. These subtopics should help you zero in on the angle you want your ebook to cover. By zeroing in on an angle, you can avoid rambling to fill space. So let’s go back to our gardening example. The angles our example ebook could have may revolve around: Basic gardening tools list Kid-friendly gardening tools Ten types of gardening tools Best gardening tools List out potential angles for your book in your outline template: So for this example, our angle could be how to choose kid-friendly gardening tools. Once you have your angle figured out, you can create your title. Your title should answer a question your audience has about the subject to spark your audience’s  curiosity. Here are five fill-in-the-blank ebook headline templates you can use to get started. How To Do [Subject of ebook] in [Number] of Steps The Ultimate Guide to [Subject of ebook] How To [Subject of ebook] like a pro. The Beginners Guide to [Subject of ebook]. How to [Subject of ebook] to [benefit of reading your ebook]. Write out ten possible titles in your outline and choose the one that fits the angle you want to cover the best. Recommended Reading: Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438% 43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 Of The Most Popular Posts ’s Headline Analyzer Step Three: Outline Your Chapters And Write Your Headers And Subheaders Once your title is decided,  you can move on to writing your ebook right? Not exactly. Before you jump into filling the pages of your ebook with the information,  outline your chapters and write your subheaders. This is an essential step in your ebook creation process because it will allow you to decide the order you want to share your information in. Plus it can help you avoid rambling. Remember,  this ebook is not your end all be all, magnum opus of your marketing career. Only include as much information as you need to thoroughly teach your reader about a topic. That means your ebook could have three chapters in it or seven. It needs to be as long as it needs to be to cover your topic and angle comprehensively. But no further. This is also why it is so important to have your angle figured out before you start writing. One way to do this is to create a mind map and highlight which portions of a topic you want to cover. Here’s an example of what a mind  map could look like: Let’s say our subtopic was finding the kid-friendly gardening tools for the job. After going through all of our research,  the team decides  this ebook is going to be broken into five  chapters. Our example gardening ebook could have the following chapters: Why having the right tools is so important for kid gardeners. Choosing your kid-friendly planting tools. Choosing your kid-friendly watering tools. Choosing your kid-friendly weeding tools. Choosing your kid-friendly harvesting or collection tools. Fill in your chapter titles in your template: Once you have your chapters outlined,  you can create the headers and subheaders within each one. These headers will help guide your reader and allow them to skim through and find information on the topic they  are looking for. One of our own writers,  Jordan Loftis, suggests creating your headers and subheaders as questions you want to answer in this chapter of your ebook. Now let’s say you don’t know questions your audience may have, how can you figure out what they are? You can send another survey or include questions in your initial survey that ask your audience what they want to learn about your potential ebook topic. Include open-ended questions like: What are five things you’d like to know about [subject]? What information do you need in order to solve [problem]? What do you already know about [subject]? Where have you already looked for information on [subject]? In the first chapter of our gardening ebook, some example header and subheader questions that your audience may want answers to could be: What types of kids gardening tools are there? What is a list of gardening tools that are safe for my kids? Where can I find the best gardening tools for my kids? How can I tell what a good tool for young children is vs. a bad one? What is the proper way to organize and store my kids tools so they last? Take those questions and format them into statements that become your headers. Once you have your chapters and headers worked out, you can transfer them into one of the ebook templates you downloaded earlier. Step Four: Write Each Chapter Now that you have your outline, you can start writing. For some, this can be nerve-wracking and cause writers to stare at a blinking cursor for hours on end, but not you. You have your outline to follow, so you know exactly what you want to write about. Even though your chapters and headers are in statement form, use the question-style headers you came up with earlier to guide your writing. Think of it like interviewing yourself; your reader has a question, and you are the expert with all the knowledge they need. As a blog writer, I find that writing for shorter periods of time helps me knock out blog posts as quickly as possible. So as you write  your ebook, try the following: Find someplace quiet. Turn off your phone. Turn off your computer notifications. Grab a glass of water. If you want to listen to music, try something without words. (Spotify’s Deep Focus playlist is a great option). At this point, you could also recycle your blog posts  and use that information in your ebook. Once you’re ready, add your written content to your ebook template. Once your chapters are written (but not edited), you can move on to drafting your foreword, introduction, and conclusion. Your foreword should explain to your reader why they would want to read this ebook. It should answer the question,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Why should I (an audience member) read this book? What’s in it for me?† For our gardening ebook example, the foreword would address how we always want kids to be able to help in the garden but sometimes they can cause a mess instead of being helpful. The benefit to them is that they will be able to find the right tools to choose for their kids. Your introduction should summarize what they are going to learn reading this ebook. You should explain to your audience what they are going to learn and why they should care. In our example, this book will teach readers how to choose the right tools that will allow their kids to learn about gardening, but not cause a giant mess in the process. And your conclusion should summarize what they have learned from reading this ebook.  It should tell your reader what they’ve learned and how this will benefit them. At the end of our example gardening book, they should know what tools are great for kids who want to garden and how to properly store them to get as much use out of them as possible. Step Five: Edit and Format Your Ebook At this point, you should have a rough draft of your ebook template. Now you need to edit your draft. There are two steps to your editing process. The first one is editing for spelling and grammar. This is the point where you need to make sure you used the proper form of there  vs. they are  or that you added commas in the right places. Editing tools like Grammarly  or Hemmingway  may help you out here, but don’t solely rely on them to catch every error. Nothing beats a set of human eyes reviewing your content. Once your spelling and grammar check is complete, you can move on to line editing your ebook. Line editing is the process that allows you to ensure that your content is easy to read and you’ve thoroughly covered your topic. Taking a break in between your spelling and grammar check before you read your ebook is essential. You can line edit by reading your ebook draft line for line, or you can read it out loud. When you’ve completed your line edits and you know your content is error-free, you can move on to formatting the text in your ebook. Catherine Howard suggests  you do three things when formatting your ebook: Forget about page numbers. Remove all your indents or tabs. Avoid having a three or four line gap between your writing. The last step in your editing and formatting process is to call out quotes and statistics that you want to call to your reader’s attention. You can do this by blocking the text or changing the color: It’s important to remember that ebooks are displayed across a variety of different formats (PDF, .mobi, and .epub, for example) which means that how the book looks will be different in each one. Best practice here suggests writing your ebook in Microsoft Word and use word styles. This video walks you through how to format your ebook: If you choose to format your ebook for formats beyond the traditional PDF (which you can export from your Word ebook template that complements this blog post), the free tool Calibre will help you export your Word file into .mobi and .epub. This post  walks you through that process step by step. If you choose to do this, you may opt to provide your subscribers all three versions in a zip file so they can choose their optimal reading experience (PDF, Kindle, or Nook). Step Six: Create Graphics And Other Design Elements The next step in your process is to create any graphics or other design elements that you want to add to your ebook. Remember that graphics should not be added to your ebook at random;  they should always be used to enhance your readers understanding of the concept. If you don’t have a designer at hand,  tools like Canva  or Piktochart  can be a great place to create your graphics. If you just want to add images to your ebook, sites like Unsplash  or  are great places to find free stock photographs. Once you have graphics designed, you can add them to your ebook. Recommended Reading: How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory The Know It All Guide To Color Psychology In Marketing + The Best Hex Chart How To Make An Infographic In 7 Easy Steps Step Seven: Build The Landing Page That Will Host Your Ebook Ebooks can be hosted in a variety of formats to attract subscribers including blog posts, emails, and landing pages. You don’t have to host your ebook on a landing page, but it can be a great place to direct your audience with little effort. Plus, you don’t have to worry about your ebook becoming buried in an out-of-date blog post. As a marketer, building a landing page can get complicated, especially if you don’t know how to code. That’s why tools like Unbounce  or LeadPages  are great options that allow marketers to easily create their own landing pages without knowing directly how to code. Just start on a site and choose a template to build from. Both LeadPages  and Unbounce  have models created explicitly for ebooks. These tools also help you host the ebook file itself, so once a subscriber gives you their email address, the page will automatically deliver the ebook. Simply select your template and start designing. Then follow the instructions from the respective tool to launch your landing page. Once your landing page is complete, it should look something like this: Some tips to keep in mind as you draft copy for the ebook landing page: Look to the information in your foreword for inspiration. Your goal is to convince visitors they need the ebook to solve a specific pain†¦ and to solve that pain, they simply need to give you their email address. Make them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t download the ebook. Others who downloaded the ebook already have experienced amazing results because of it†¦ right? Include testimonials, write copy that appeals to the fear of missing out, and reiterate that their life could be so much better if they simply downloaded the ebook. Recommended Reading: How to Write Landing Pages That Will Boost Your Conversions Step Eight: Add Calls To Action  Into Your Landing Page Once you have your book formatted and your landing page built, you can move on to adding your CTAs (call to action). The primary purpose of creating your ebook is to generate subscribers,  so you want as many people as possible to download your book. Creating the right CTA is essential to making that happen. CTAs should ask your reader to do something: Writing a great CTA is easy, you just need to tell your audience what they are going to get in exchange. According to Crazy Egg, there are six characteristics of a high-performing CTA button. They are: That your CTA is a clickable button. They have a compelling copy that takes action-oriented approach. They are placed logically on your page. They are a contrasting color from your page. They are close to the previous action your customer has taken. I.e., if they filled out a form, the CTA button would be right underneath it. They don’t compete with other things on your web page. Here are 54 words and phrases you can use in your CTAs: You can even create multiple CTAs, and A/B test  (which both Leadpages and Unbounce allow you to do) them to find which ones work best for your audience. Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples Step Nine: Promote Your Ebook The last step in your ebook creation process should be to promote it. The likelihood of someone randomly stumbling on to your landing page and finding your ebook is a little too close to the â€Å"hope is a strategy† approach,  so you need to give it a boost. There are a few different ways you can do this. Email Campaigns One way that you can promote your ebook is through an email campaign. Set up a series of emails that go out to your general list or a list of people who you think would be interested in downloading your ebook. Recommended Reading: What Are Good Email Click-Through Rates? We Share Our Data With You. The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful Create a specific CTA for your emails and draft your content ahead of time. You can add tracking links (via that lead to your landing page so you can see how many of your email subscribers have clicked the link and downloaded your ebook. However, you can create the most compelling copy in the world but that won’t mean anything if your audience doesn’t see it. Which is why you need to send your email at the best time. Once your email is sent, track opens, clicks to your links as well as downloads of your ebook. Your email tracking data should be stored within your email service provider. For a project of this magnitude, ’s Head of Marketing Demand Generation, Nathan Ellering, suggests sending at least three emails to your existing subscribers over the course of three weeks. Social Media Campaigns Another way to promote your ebook to your followers is through a social media campaign. Social campaigns are an easy way to promote your content directly to your audience. How do you know how often to promote your ebook on each of your social media channels? Here is an infographic on the best publishing schedule for your ebook landing page: Using this promotion schedule will make it easy to maximize the reach of your content and get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Make Project Managing These 9 Steps a Cinch When you're releasing an eBook, it takes a lot of hands to make it come to life. You'll need: Writing. Editing. Design. Social media promo. Email promo. A landing page. makes it easy to manage all the moving parts of your marketing projects. With the Kanban dashboard, you can create custom project workflows so you can easily see exactly what stage your eBook is in. Here's how it works... First, navigate to the "project view" in your left-hand menu. From here, you can see what phase your eBook is in. Ready to move it from design to promo? No prob – just drag and drop. Keep that eBook project moving forward by focusing on the crucial steps. Everyone on your team is in the loop – which means fewer meetings and more time to get work done. Now, Let's Talk Topic Ideas This can often be the most difficult part of writing an eBook. Trying to figure out a topic that hasn't been already talked about to death is no easy feat. Here are 5 easy ways to compile your eBook. Repurpose Blog Posts As mentioned earlier, chances are you've got an eBook goldmine sitting right under your nose and you don't even realize it. One of the easiest ways to get your eBook going is to stitch together several of your blog posts to create an ultimate how-to eBook. Say you've got a bunch of posts about marketing automation... Create an "Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation eBook" where relevant blog posts are fused together in a coherent way. You can re-write the content so it's different, without having to re-invent the wheel. 5 easy ways to write an eBook... plus a free eBook template.Conduct Some Original Research Who doesn't love a good statistic? Conducting original research is something more and more marketers are engaging in. It allows them to bring something unique to the table. Here's a stat from some original research, about original research: 37% of  B2B  and 20% of  B2C  marketers are using original research for content marketing purposes. This option is more time heavy on the front-end, but your efforts will be rewarded. For starters, one epic piece of content can drive your entire content strategy for the whole year. You can spin off micro, industry-specific reports; chop up infographics for social media content; use the data for talking points and presentations; the list goes on. Secondly, original research offers a great carrot for gated content and can be a lead magnet. Lastly, original research is one of the best ways to get backlinks. A study from SEO PowerSuite found that original research is the best way to get backlinks to your site. Compile Influencer Opinions Reach out to the big names in your industry and ask them for an interview on a specific topic. These interviews can be aggregated into an eBook to provide readers with exclusive insights from the best in the business. Not sure what to ask? Start with comments on any topics that have changed the industry recently; the challenges they face in their roles and how they have overcome those challenges; etc. Template Kit Why tell someone how to do something when you can show them. People love templates because they save a ton of time. Going back to our marketing automation example – you could produce an eBook containing 35 (or whatever number you like) marketing automation workflows, to make every marketer's life a lot easier. There are tons of directions you could take this... The "Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils" Kit The Busy Parent's Cloth Diapering Kit The 2019 Content Planning Kit Etc. Share Your Knowledge With The World And Create An Amazing Ebook Now that you have your ebook templates and a strategy to create killer content,  you can start attracting new subscribers. The main problem that will hinder your success is your ability to be organized. Learn more about how can help you get and stay organized  (plus a lot more). Do you have your own ebook template? Share it with us in the comments. The Best eBook Template to Generate More Subscribers (With Easy Ideas) As  a marketer, you’re creating a lot of content, and you want that content to generate subscribers. To generate those subscribers, you need to create content upgrades  your audience is chomping at the bit to download. You also know that giving away free ebooks as a content upgrade is a great way to generate more subscribers. Why? Because ebooks provide a ton of value which can convince your customers to give up their email address. At , we’ve generated as many as 2,625 new email subscribers from an ebook following the process you’re about to learn. But are ebooks worth the effort to build? Absolutely! And with the right template and outline, creating an ebook can be easy. This post will walk you through the nine steps you need to take to create and write an ebook effectively. Plus we’ve included three templates, so all you have to do is fill the text and turn it into a PDF. There’s no need for a designer. So you can throw the excuses of not having time to write an ebook out the window, and create content that generates subscribers and subsequently helps you grow your customer base. The Best eBook Template That Will Help You Generate More Subscribers In 9 Easy StepsDownload Your Ebook Template Bundle (Word + PowerPoint) Download your ebook template bundle to create ebooks at the drop of a hat quickly. Inside you’ll find: eBook outline template:  This template will help you format your thoughts and ideas before you start writing so you can stay on track. PowerPoint eBook template:  This PowerPoint ebook template will let you quickly customize and format your ebook so all you have to do is hit publish. Word  eBook template: This word template is another way for you to format, customize, and create your ebook. With these three templates, you won’t even need a designer to help you wrap up your ebook. You can do it all yourself. Grab this free #ebook template bundle from @to build your brand's authorityWhat Is An Ebook? For marketing purposes, an ebook is a brief book on a specific topic that is available in a downloadable format such as PDF, .mobi (to read on Amazon Kindle), and .epub (to read on Barnes and Noble Nook and other e-readers). These ebooks provide a variety of benefits for marketers, including: Generating subscribers Allowing you to reuse content you’ve previously written Telling a comprehensive story Getting your content on more  channels Ebooks provide something of value for customers while capturing information for the marketers who create them. Why Are Ebooks So Important For Marketers? Ebooks allow marketers to dive into a topic and teach their audience about it. The fact of the matter is blog posts sometimes can't be long enough to cover an entire topic, and if a topic is complicated, it can be challenging to cover in one post. By creating ebooks, marketers can target their audience and build content upgrades  that provide additional value for their readers. By ensuring that value, customers are then willing to share valuable information in return (ie. their email address). 9 Steps To Creating Your Own Ebook Writing an ebook can be easy as long as you plan. Because these books are a bit lengthier than your average blog post, it can be easy to get off track. However, by using this nine-step process, you’ll be able to, as we say at , plan your work, then work your plan. Here's how to create the perfect ebook for your business in nine steps.Step One: Choose Your Topic The first step in creating your ebook is to choose a topic. These topics should be something that your audience wants to learn more about. What questions do they have that you want your ebook to be able to answer? Now, you may already know the topics that your audience is interested in. If you don’t, you can use some necessary SEO keyword research skills to find out what your audience is interested in. So let’s say for example, that your audience is interested in gardening. To find a specific topic that your audience is interested in, open a tool like Moz  or Ahrefs  and type your subject into the search bar: From there, you’ll see a related list of keywords that match the topic you first entered. In the case of our example, our marketer might want to write an ebook on gardening tools, since it appears in list: If you don’t want to use keywords to determine your ebook topics, you could also pose a question to a Facebook group (if your brand has one) and ask what your audience wants to see directly. You could also create a survey using tools like Survey Monkey  or PollDaddy  and send it directly to your audience via email. Some questions you could ask your audience are: What are topics in our [industry] that you would be interested in learning about? What problems are you currently facing? What are the biggest problems your team is facing? Once you have determined what topic you want to cover, record it in your ebook outline template: Recommended Reading: How To Create Content That Ranks For 11,000+ Keywords With Julia McCoy From Express Writers [AMP 057] 4 Simple Brainstorming Techniques That Will Help You Write Killer Content This Is The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Step Two: Create Your Title Once you have your topic decided, you need to figure out what major subtopics you want to cover in your book. These subtopics should help you zero in on the angle you want your ebook to cover. By zeroing in on an angle, you can avoid rambling to fill space. So let’s go back to our gardening example. The angles our example ebook could have may revolve around: Basic gardening tools list Kid-friendly gardening tools Ten types of gardening tools Best gardening tools List out potential angles for your book in your outline template: So for this example, our angle could be how to choose kid-friendly gardening tools. Once you have your angle figured out, you can create your title. Your title should answer a question your audience has about the subject to spark your audience’s  curiosity. Here are five fill-in-the-blank ebook headline templates you can use to get started. How To Do [Subject of ebook] in [Number] of Steps The Ultimate Guide to [Subject of ebook] How To [Subject of ebook] like a pro. The Beginners Guide to [Subject of ebook]. How to [Subject of ebook] to [benefit of reading your ebook]. Write out ten possible titles in your outline and choose the one that fits the angle you want to cover the best. Recommended Reading: Here Are The 101 Catchy Blog Title Formulas That Will Boost Traffic By 438% 43 Data-Driven Headline Ideas From 1,000 Of The Most Popular Posts ’s Headline Analyzer Step Three: Outline Your Chapters And Write Your Headers And Subheaders Once your title is decided,  you can move on to writing your ebook right? Not exactly. Before you jump into filling the pages of your ebook with the information,  outline your chapters and write your subheaders. This is an essential step in your ebook creation process because it will allow you to decide the order you want to share your information in. Plus it can help you avoid rambling. Remember,  this ebook is not your end all be all, magnum opus of your marketing career. Only include as much information as you need to thoroughly teach your reader about a topic. That means your ebook could have three chapters in it or seven. It needs to be as long as it needs to be to cover your topic and angle comprehensively. But no further. This is also why it is so important to have your angle figured out before you start writing. One way to do this is to create a mind map and highlight which portions of a topic you want to cover. Here’s an example of what a mind  map could look like: Let’s say our subtopic was finding the kid-friendly gardening tools for the job. After going through all of our research,  the team decides  this ebook is going to be broken into five  chapters. Our example gardening ebook could have the following chapters: Why having the right tools is so important for kid gardeners. Choosing your kid-friendly planting tools. Choosing your kid-friendly watering tools. Choosing your kid-friendly weeding tools. Choosing your kid-friendly harvesting or collection tools. Fill in your chapter titles in your template: Once you have your chapters outlined,  you can create the headers and subheaders within each one. These headers will help guide your reader and allow them to skim through and find information on the topic they  are looking for. One of our own writers,  Jordan Loftis, suggests creating your headers and subheaders as questions you want to answer in this chapter of your ebook. Now let’s say you don’t know questions your audience may have, how can you figure out what they are? You can send another survey or include questions in your initial survey that ask your audience what they want to learn about your potential ebook topic. Include open-ended questions like: What are five things you’d like to know about [subject]? What information do you need in order to solve [problem]? What do you already know about [subject]? Where have you already looked for information on [subject]? In the first chapter of our gardening ebook, some example header and subheader questions that your audience may want answers to could be: What types of kids gardening tools are there? What is a list of gardening tools that are safe for my kids? Where can I find the best gardening tools for my kids? How can I tell what a good tool for young children is vs. a bad one? What is the proper way to organize and store my kids tools so they last? Take those questions and format them into statements that become your headers. Once you have your chapters and headers worked out, you can transfer them into one of the ebook templates you downloaded earlier. Step Four: Write Each Chapter Now that you have your outline, you can start writing. For some, this can be nerve-wracking and cause writers to stare at a blinking cursor for hours on end, but not you. You have your outline to follow, so you know exactly what you want to write about. Even though your chapters and headers are in statement form, use the question-style headers you came up with earlier to guide your writing. Think of it like interviewing yourself; your reader has a question, and you are the expert with all the knowledge they need. As a blog writer, I find that writing for shorter periods of time helps me knock out blog posts as quickly as possible. So as you write  your ebook, try the following: Find someplace quiet. Turn off your phone. Turn off your computer notifications. Grab a glass of water. If you want to listen to music, try something without words. (Spotify’s Deep Focus playlist is a great option). At this point, you could also recycle your blog posts  and use that information in your ebook. Once you’re ready, add your written content to your ebook template. Once your chapters are written (but not edited), you can move on to drafting your foreword, introduction, and conclusion. Your foreword should explain to your reader why they would want to read this ebook. It should answer the question,  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Why should I (an audience member) read this book? What’s in it for me?† For our gardening ebook example, the foreword would address how we always want kids to be able to help in the garden but sometimes they can cause a mess instead of being helpful. The benefit to them is that they will be able to find the right tools to choose for their kids. Your introduction should summarize what they are going to learn reading this ebook. You should explain to your audience what they are going to learn and why they should care. In our example, this book will teach readers how to choose the right tools that will allow their kids to learn about gardening, but not cause a giant mess in the process. And your conclusion should summarize what they have learned from reading this ebook.  It should tell your reader what they’ve learned and how this will benefit them. At the end of our example gardening book, they should know what tools are great for kids who want to garden and how to properly store them to get as much use out of them as possible. Step Five: Edit and Format Your Ebook At this point, you should have a rough draft of your ebook template. Now you need to edit your draft. There are two steps to your editing process. The first one is editing for spelling and grammar. This is the point where you need to make sure you used the proper form of there  vs. they are  or that you added commas in the right places. Editing tools like Grammarly  or Hemmingway  may help you out here, but don’t solely rely on them to catch every error. Nothing beats a set of human eyes reviewing your content. Once your spelling and grammar check is complete, you can move on to line editing your ebook. Line editing is the process that allows you to ensure that your content is easy to read and you’ve thoroughly covered your topic. Taking a break in between your spelling and grammar check before you read your ebook is essential. You can line edit by reading your ebook draft line for line, or you can read it out loud. When you’ve completed your line edits and you know your content is error-free, you can move on to formatting the text in your ebook. Catherine Howard suggests  you do three things when formatting your ebook: Forget about page numbers. Remove all your indents or tabs. Avoid having a three or four line gap between your writing. The last step in your editing and formatting process is to call out quotes and statistics that you want to call to your reader’s attention. You can do this by blocking the text or changing the color: It’s important to remember that ebooks are displayed across a variety of different formats (PDF, .mobi, and .epub, for example) which means that how the book looks will be different in each one. Best practice here suggests writing your ebook in Microsoft Word and use word styles. This video walks you through how to format your ebook: If you choose to format your ebook for formats beyond the traditional PDF (which you can export from your Word ebook template that complements this blog post), the free tool Calibre will help you export your Word file into .mobi and .epub. This post  walks you through that process step by step. If you choose to do this, you may opt to provide your subscribers all three versions in a zip file so they can choose their optimal reading experience (PDF, Kindle, or Nook). Step Six: Create Graphics And Other Design Elements The next step in your process is to create any graphics or other design elements that you want to add to your ebook. Remember that graphics should not be added to your ebook at random;  they should always be used to enhance your readers understanding of the concept. If you don’t have a designer at hand,  tools like Canva  or Piktochart  can be a great place to create your graphics. If you just want to add images to your ebook, sites like Unsplash  or  are great places to find free stock photographs. Once you have graphics designed, you can add them to your ebook. Recommended Reading: How To Make The Best Blog Graphics (For Non-Designers) How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory The Know It All Guide To Color Psychology In Marketing + The Best Hex Chart How To Make An Infographic In 7 Easy Steps Step Seven: Build The Landing Page That Will Host Your Ebook Ebooks can be hosted in a variety of formats to attract subscribers including blog posts, emails, and landing pages. You don’t have to host your ebook on a landing page, but it can be a great place to direct your audience with little effort. Plus, you don’t have to worry about your ebook becoming buried in an out-of-date blog post. As a marketer, building a landing page can get complicated, especially if you don’t know how to code. That’s why tools like Unbounce  or LeadPages  are great options that allow marketers to easily create their own landing pages without knowing directly how to code. Just start on a site and choose a template to build from. Both LeadPages  and Unbounce  have models created explicitly for ebooks. These tools also help you host the ebook file itself, so once a subscriber gives you their email address, the page will automatically deliver the ebook. Simply select your template and start designing. Then follow the instructions from the respective tool to launch your landing page. Once your landing page is complete, it should look something like this: Some tips to keep in mind as you draft copy for the ebook landing page: Look to the information in your foreword for inspiration. Your goal is to convince visitors they need the ebook to solve a specific pain†¦ and to solve that pain, they simply need to give you their email address. Make them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t download the ebook. Others who downloaded the ebook already have experienced amazing results because of it†¦ right? Include testimonials, write copy that appeals to the fear of missing out, and reiterate that their life could be so much better if they simply downloaded the ebook. Recommended Reading: How to Write Landing Pages That Will Boost Your Conversions Step Eight: Add Calls To Action  Into Your Landing Page Once you have your book formatted and your landing page built, you can move on to adding your CTAs (call to action). The primary purpose of creating your ebook is to generate subscribers,  so you want as many people as possible to download your book. Creating the right CTA is essential to making that happen. CTAs should ask your reader to do something: Writing a great CTA is easy, you just need to tell your audience what they are going to get in exchange. According to Crazy Egg, there are six characteristics of a high-performing CTA button. They are: That your CTA is a clickable button. They have a compelling copy that takes action-oriented approach. They are placed logically on your page. They are a contrasting color from your page. They are close to the previous action your customer has taken. I.e., if they filled out a form, the CTA button would be right underneath it. They don’t compete with other things on your web page. Here are 54 words and phrases you can use in your CTAs: You can even create multiple CTAs, and A/B test  (which both Leadpages and Unbounce allow you to do) them to find which ones work best for your audience. Recommended Reading: How To Write A Call To Action In A Template With 6 Examples Step Nine: Promote Your Ebook The last step in your ebook creation process should be to promote it. The likelihood of someone randomly stumbling on to your landing page and finding your ebook is a little too close to the â€Å"hope is a strategy† approach,  so you need to give it a boost. There are a few different ways you can do this. Email Campaigns One way that you can promote your ebook is through an email campaign. Set up a series of emails that go out to your general list or a list of people who you think would be interested in downloading your ebook. Recommended Reading: What Are Good Email Click-Through Rates? We Share Our Data With You. The Complete, 4-Step Email List Building Strategy That Will Make You Successful Create a specific CTA for your emails and draft your content ahead of time. You can add tracking links (via that lead to your landing page so you can see how many of your email subscribers have clicked the link and downloaded your ebook. However, you can create the most compelling copy in the world but that won’t mean anything if your audience doesn’t see it. Which is why you need to send your email at the best time. Once your email is sent, track opens, clicks to your links as well as downloads of your ebook. Your email tracking data should be stored within your email service provider. For a project of this magnitude, ’s Head of Marketing Demand Generation, Nathan Ellering, suggests sending at least three emails to your existing subscribers over the course of three weeks. Social Media Campaigns Another way to promote your ebook to your followers is through a social media campaign. Social campaigns are an easy way to promote your content directly to your audience. How do you know how often to promote your ebook on each of your social media channels? Here is an infographic on the best publishing schedule for your ebook landing page: Using this promotion schedule will make it easy to maximize the reach of your content and get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Make Project Managing These 9 Steps a Cinch When you're releasing an eBook, it takes a lot of hands to make it come to life. You'll need: Writing. Editing. Design. Social media promo. Email promo. A landing page. makes it easy to manage all the moving parts of your marketing projects. With the Kanban dashboard, you can create custom project workflows so you can easily see exactly what stage your eBook is in. Here's how it works... First, navigate to the "project view" in your left-hand menu. From here, you can see what phase your eBook is in. Ready to move it from design to promo? No prob – just drag and drop. Keep that eBook project moving forward by focusing on the crucial steps. Everyone on your team is in the loop – which means fewer meetings and more time to get work done. Now, Let's Talk Topic Ideas This can often be the most difficult part of writing an eBook. Trying to figure out a topic that hasn't been already talked about to death is no easy feat. Here are 5 easy ways to compile your eBook. Repurpose Blog Posts As mentioned earlier, chances are you've got an eBook goldmine sitting right under your nose and you don't even realize it. One of the easiest ways to get your eBook going is to stitch together several of your blog posts to create an ultimate how-to eBook. Say you've got a bunch of posts about marketing automation... Create an "Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation eBook" where relevant blog posts are fused together in a coherent way. You can re-write the content so it's different, without having to re-invent the wheel. 5 easy ways to write an eBook... plus a free eBook template.Conduct Some Original Research Who doesn't love a good statistic? Conducting original research is something more and more marketers are engaging in. It allows them to bring something unique to the table. Here's a stat from some original research, about original research: 37% of  B2B  and 20% of  B2C  marketers are using original research for content marketing purposes. This option is more time heavy on the front-end, but your efforts will be rewarded. For starters, one epic piece of content can drive your entire content strategy for the whole year. You can spin off micro, industry-specific reports; chop up infographics for social media content; use the data for talking points and presentations; the list goes on. Secondly, original research offers a great carrot for gated content and can be a lead magnet. Lastly, original research is one of the best ways to get backlinks. A study from SEO PowerSuite found that original research is the best way to get backlinks to your site. Compile Influencer Opinions Reach out to the big names in your industry and ask them for an interview on a specific topic. These interviews can be aggregated into an eBook to provide readers with exclusive insights from the best in the business. Not sure what to ask? Start with comments on any topics that have changed the industry recently; the challenges they face in their roles and how they have overcome those challenges; etc. Template Kit Why tell someone how to do something when you can show them. People love templates because they save a ton of time. Going back to our marketing automation example – you could produce an eBook containing 35 (or whatever number you like) marketing automation workflows, to make every marketer's life a lot easier. There are tons of directions you could take this... The "Everything You Need to Know About Essential Oils" Kit The Busy Parent's Cloth Diapering Kit The 2019 Content Planning Kit Etc. Share Your Knowledge With The World And Create An Amazing Ebook Now that you have your ebook templates and a strategy to create killer content,  you can start attracting new subscribers. The main problem that will hinder your success is your ability to be organized. Learn more about how can help you get and stay organized  (plus a lot more). Do you have your own ebook template? Share it with us in the comments.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Portable Art From Upper Paleolithic Period

Portable Art From Upper Paleolithic Period Portable art (known as mobiliary art or art mobilier in French) typically refers to objects carved during the European Upper Paleolithic period (40,000-20,000 years ago) that can be moved or carried as personal objects. The oldest example of portable art, however, is from Africa nearly 100,000 years older than anything in Europe. Further, ancient art is found around the globe far from Europe: the category has had to expand to serve the data that have been collected. Categories of Paleolithic Art Traditionally, Upper Paleolithic art is divided into two broad categoriesparietal (or cave) art, including the paintings at Lascaux, Chauvet, and Nawarla Gabarnmang; and mobiliary (or portable art), meaning art that can be carried, such as the famous Venus figurines. Portable art consists of objects carved from stone, bone, or antler, and they take a wide variety of forms. Small, three-dimensional sculpted objects such as the widely known Venus figurines, carved animal bone tools, and two-dimensional relief carvings or plaques are all forms of portable art. Figurative and Non-Figurative Two classes of portable art are recognized today: figurative and non-figurative. Figurative portable art includes three-dimensional animal and human sculptures, but also figures carved, engraved, or painted on stones, ivory, bones, reindeer antlers, and other media. Non-figurative art includes abstract drawings carved, incised, pecked or painted in patterns of grids, parallel lines, dots, zigzag lines, curves, and filigrees. Portable art objects are made by a wide variety of methods, including grooving, hammering, incising, pecking, scraping, polishing, painting, and staining. Evidence of these ancient art forms can be quite subtle, and one reason for the broadening of the category well beyond Europe is that with the advent of optical and scanning electron microscopy, many more examples of art have been discovered. Oldest Portable Art The oldest portable art discovered to date is from South Africa and made 134,000 years ago, consisting of a piece of scored ochre at Pinnacle Point Cave. Other pieces of ochre with engraved designs include one from Klasies River cave 1 at 100,000 years ago, and Blombos cave, where engraved designs on 17 pieces of ochre were retrieved, the oldest dated to 100,000-72,000 years ago. Ostrich eggshell was first known to have been used as a medium for engraved portable art in southern Africa at Diepkloof Rockshelter and Klipdrift Shelter in South Africa and Apollo 11 cave in Namibia between 85-52,000. The earliest figurative portable art in South Africa is from the Apollo 11 cave, where seven portable stone (schist) plaques were recovered, made approximately 30,000 years ago. These plaques include drawings of rhinoceros, zebras, and humans, and possibly human-animal beings (called therianthropes). These images are painted with brown, white, black and red pigments made of a wide variety of substances, including red ochre, carbon, white clay, black manganese, white ostrich eggshell, hematite, and gypsum. Oldest in Eurasia The oldest figurines in Eurasia are ivory figurines dated to the Aurignacian period between 35,000-30,000 years ago in the Lone and Ach valleys in Swabian alps. Excavations at the Vogelherd Cave recovered several small ivory figurines of several animals; Geissenklà ¶sterle cave contained more than 40 pieces of ivory. Ivory figurines are widespread in the Upper Paleolithic, extending well into central Eurasia and Siberia. The earliest portable art object recognized by archaeologists was the Neschers antler, a 12,500-year-old reindeer antler with a stylized partial figure of a horse carved in the surface in left profile. This object was found at Neschers, an open-air Magdalenian settlement in Auvergne region of France and recently discovered within the British Museum collections. It was likely part of the archaeological materials excavated from the site between 1830 and 1848. Why Portable Art? Why our ancient ancestors made portable art so very long ago is unknown and realistically unknowable. However, there are plenty of possibilities that are interesting to contemplate. During the mid-twentieth century, archaeologists and art historians explicitly connected portable art to shamanism. Scholars compared the use of portable art by modern and historical groups and recognized that portable art, specifically figural sculpture, was often related to folklore and religious practices. In ethnographic terms, portable art objects could be considered amulets or totems: for a while, even terms like rock art were dropped from the literature, because it was considered dismissive of the spiritual component that was attributed to the objects. In a fascinating set of studies beginning in the late 1990s, David Lewis-Williams made the explicit connection between ancient art and shamanism when he suggested that abstract elements on rock art are similar to those images seen by people in visions during altered states of consciousness. Other Interpretations A spiritual element may well have been involved with some portable art objects, but wider possibilities have since been put forward by archaeologists and art historians, such as portable art as personal ornamentation, toys for children, teaching tools, or objects expressing personal, ethnic, social, and cultural identity. For example, in an attempt to look for cultural patterns and regional similarities, Rivero and Sauvet looked at a large set of representations of horses on portable art made from bone, antler, and stone during the Magdalenian period in northern Spain and southern France. Their research revealed a handful of traits that seem to be particular to regional groups, including the use of double manes and prominent crests, traits that persist through time and space. Recent Studies Other recent studies include that of Danae Fiore, who studied the rate of decoration used on bone harpoon heads and other artifacts from Tierra del Fuego, during three periods dated between 6400-100 BP. She found that the decoration of harpoon heads increased when sea mammals (pinnipeds) were a key prey for the people; and decreased when there was an increase in consumption of other resources (fish, birds, guanacos). Harpoon design during this time was widely variable, which Fiore suggests were created through a free cultural context or fostered through a social requirement of individual expression. Lemke and colleagues reported more than 100 incised stones at the Clovis-Early Archaic layers of the Gault site in Texas, dated 13,000-9,000 cal BP. They are among the earliest art objects from a secure context in North America. The nonfigurative decorations include geometric parallel and perpendicular lines inscribed on limestone tablets, chert flakes, and cobbles. Sources Abadà ­a, Oscar Moro. Paleolithic Art: A Cultural History. Journal of Archaeological Research, Manuel R. Gonzlez Morales, Volume 21, Issue 3, SpringerLink, January 24, 2013. Bello SM, Delbarre G, Parfitt SA, Currant AP, Kruszynski R, and Stringer CB. Lost and found: the remarkable curatorial history of one of the earliest discoveries of Palaeolithic portable art. Antiquity 87(335):237-244. Farbstein R. The Significance of Social Gestures and Technologies of Embellishment in Paleolithic Portable Art. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 18(2):125-146. Fiore D. Art in time. Diachronic rates of change in the decoration of bone artifacts from the Beagle Channel region (Tierra del Fuego, Southern South America). Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30(4):484-501. Lemke AK, Wernecke DC, and Collins MB. Early Art in North America: Clovis and Later Paleoindian Incised Artifacts from the Gault Site, Texas (41bl323). American Antiquity 80(1):113-133. Lewis-Williams JD. Agency, art, and altered consciousness: A motif in French (Quercy) Upper Paleolithic parietal art. Antiquity 71:810-830. Moro Abadà ­a O, and Gonzlez Morales MR. Towards a genealogy of the concept of paleolithic mobiliary art. Journal of Anthropological Research 60(3):321-339. Rifkin RF, Prinsloo LC, Dayet L, Haaland MM, Henshilwood CS, Diz EL, Moyo S, Vogelsang R, and Kambombo F. Characterising pigments on 30 000-year-old portable art from Apollo 11 Cave, Karas Region, southern Namibia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 5:336-347. Rivero O, and Sauvet G. Defining Magdalenian cultural groups in Franco-Cantabria by the formal analysis of portable artworks. Antiquity 88(339):64-80. Roldn Garcà ­a C, Villaverde Bonilla V, Rà ³denas Marà ­n I, and Murcia Mascarà ³s S. A Unique Collection of Palaeolithic Painted Portable Art: Characterization of Red and Yellow Pigments from the Parpallà ³ Cave (Spain). PLOS ONE 11(10):e0163565. Volkova YS. Upper Paleolithic Portable Art in Light of Ethnographic Studies. Archaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology of Eurasia 40(3):31-37.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Transportation Policy-The paper will discuss the negative impacts of Research - 1

Transportation Policy-The will discuss the negative impacts of free off-street parking and possible solutions to counteract such problems - Research Paper Example ntrols by the ownership of the shopping malls, the development of free off street parking space has been considered as one of the poorest planning events in the history of building (Mukhija & Shoup, 2006). Due to the presence of free off street parking, several Americans have continued to prefer the use of personal cars. However, the state and federal government have been denied an opportunity to increase the revenue collection as mall owners continue to use this approach as a way of attracting customers. It is a good economic policy to have measurable cost for off street parking to enable regional and state governments to enhance their revenue collection activities (Mukhija & Shoup, 2006). The increasing population of motorists in the United States has created the need for the development of proper parking strategies to eliminate the challenges associated with increased vehicle population. Generally, it is estimated that the overall cost of parking ranges from $250 to $2000 which are calculated without the inclusion of other charges. Municipalities across the country have continued to face the challenge of increased management costs and the destruction of the parking spaces due to improve parking arrangement and lack of control on private malls. The emergence of different structures across the towns has reduced the efficiencies and room for the development flexible designs for parking lots (Mukhija & Shoup, 2006). The adoption of different parking strategies has different impacts on the economy and the environment of the country. off street parking facilities impacts on the development and economic benefits of central business districts in a number of ways which makes this approach less effective in busy towns. Due to the nature of our development, the landscape has continuously been occupied with cars as members of the public prefer using private cars as opposed to the public transport system. In most instances, cars spend 95% of their life parked and this has

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Computer crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Computer crimes - Essay Example They also include access and use of software without developer’s rights meaning that the original software developer is denied the rights by counterfeit software. The criminal activities are a breach to the human and information privacy (Casey, 2011). Hacking is one of the most witnessed computer crimes. It involves illegal access of a computer system. However, not all hackers can cause serious damage to computer system. The criminal breaks all the initial security measures installed by the computer owner in order to commit an illegal event (Casey, 2011). Another event is the phishing crime. It is known as acquiring sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and other crucial information such as credit card information. The criminal disguises as a trustworthy source in order to acquire these credentials (Casey, 2011). Computer viruses are also another set of criminal activities. They are programmed to interfere with the normal working of the computer. They spread to other computers through networks and files send to those computers. Mostly viruses are spread through internet use. The best prevention for cyber crime is by installation of restrictions. Restrictions can be both physical and by using software walls such as anti-virus programs. Securing the computer with valid and strong passwords can also be a good method to guard it (Casey,

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Population Growth and the Arising Environmental Issues Essay Example for Free

Population Growth and the Arising Environmental Issues Essay Population is determined by the relationship of two factors. One being birth rate and the other is death rate. If the number of deaths is less than the number of births then the population is growing larger. In John Laffins novel The Hunger to Come data is present showing that the population will continue to grow and not stop; About 2050 the population will be 15. 000 million, a century later 82. 000 million and by 2350 a frightening 440. 000 million will be reached(Engelman, 47). Like all living organisms, humans grow and reproduce; however, compared to the rate of which food is grown and supplied, the birth rate rises at a much faster rate. This compared rate of growth is known as the Malthusian relationship. The Malthusian relationship concludes that human population will eventually grow to be too big, to the point where there will not be enough food supply and other vital resources. When this happens, famine and/or death will occur, unless a plan is put into place regarding how to limit population growth. One main problem which results in the Malthusian relationship would be uncontrolled fertility. Since the death rate is decreasing due to medical advancements it allows more births to happen. Humans without doubt will create a baby faster than the supplies needed to support them. This results in birthrate being dropped down to zero population growth. This can happen in many ways, providing women with contraception (birth control), abortion centers and by creating laws to prevent couples from having more then two children. Education on family planning and birth control is a primary factor in restraining population growth. A common problem that people think is associated with overpopulation is having nowhere to put everyone, but there are also many other environmental issues that it causes. More humans will be using more cars, burning more fuel, eating more food and drinking more water. This causes more air pollution, more lands are ruined and more water and food to disappear. Therefore, population control is necessary on a global level in order to protect our environment. Population growth is ruining the earth’s oceans and water sources. This causes a decrease in earth’s water supply for the future. Due to the fact that water is vital to survive, the water sources being polluted will not do humans well. Besides water pollution, population growth also pollutes the air, which causes the greenhouse effect and reduction of the ozone layer. The greenhouse effect is when gases build up around the earths outer atmosphere which literally turns the earth into a greenhouse. What this means is that the heat allowed into the earth’s atmosphere is trapped inside and not aloud back out of the earth’s atmosphere. This results in an increase of the earths temperature, therefore it causes natural disasters such as hurricanes and due to the increased heat, crops do not grow properly. With the greenhouse effect comes the disappearing ozone layer. The main purpose of the ozone layer is to regulate the amount of UV light coming down to the earth’s surface from the sun. The chemical chlorofluorocarbon which is found in air conditioning systems, when in the air breaks down the ozone layer. This relates to population growth because of how many families are being produced everyday which results in more communities being built which means more houses. Therefore, this means more air-conditioning units will be in use, which results in the chemical chlorofluorocarbon being let out into the air and breaking down the ozone layer. With the ozone layer being broken down, more UV light enters the earth’s atmosphere and causes humans to gain skin diseases such as skin cancer. Therefore, if population growth is controlled and there is less people, less air conditioning will be used, global warming and the breaking ozone layer could be prevented. Main causes of air pollution are the use of cars and industrial plants, both which let loose harmful fumes into the air. Acid rain is a result of air pollution, it occurs when too many toxins are released into the air. It is made by fossil fuels being burnt then released into the air as a gas which then reacts with sunlight, oxygen and moisture. Acid rain when precipitated pollutes water and damages many materials and resources. Another downfall to cars with population growth is the fact of cars having air conditioning. This is because more chlorofluorocarbon will be let into the air from the car’s air conditioning. With the population increasing, it is creating air pollution which is harmful to all living organism because they need clean air, one of the most important necessities of life, to breathe. Population growth also threatens the earths farming resources. For example the desertification of land, this occurs when fertile land is turned into infertile land. This can happen from overgrazing of cattle, or the topsoil being carried away (erosion). If too much water is used, it can cause desertification which is mostly caused by a growing population. The more people need food, the more land is being used in the wrong way to try and make food. Another way population growth affects our outdoors is deforestation. Forests are cut down for the demand of fire wood, agricultural space, paper products and more space to live. However, forests are needed for more than human needs such as to regulate the amount of carbon dioxide let out into the atmosphere. Let it be known that population control will not end all the problems, but it would allow more time for them to be fixed and alienate environment problems. The earths environment is not infinite and can come to an end if population control was not started. Actions must be taken now to correct the current situations with the world involving population growth, these actions are the increase of deforestation and desertification, the decrease of farmland, more water pollution, the deteriorating ozone layer and the greenhouse effect. It is evident that there is no way our population can keep growing at the rate it does now without negatively impacting our environment.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Future of the Internet in Education Essay -- Internet

How often does one find himself checking the Internet for directions? How easy has the ability to find answers to questions become? How hard is the opportunity to check one’s Internet to pass up? Why has the Internet become an every day, every hour part of life? With the capabilities of the Internet and what one can spend his time doing on the Internet, the questions about the future of the Internet’s affects on its users continues to grow rapidly. The use of computer technology in the classroom is growing to be a major concern for parents and educators all over. How much time should children be allowed to browse on the Internet? Is the Internet affecting the children’s, the future of society, ability to focus? Should parents and educators trust the websites that students get their information from? Although the Internet has done an absolutely fabulous job at making what may have seemed impossible possible, with live video chatting, music streaming, and online bo oks, the Internet is definitely responsible reading and intellectual engagement problems in students. The Internet moves at very fast speeds and can access an enormous amount of information in less than a few seconds with a few typed letters and the click of a button. Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Ask have mastered the ability to provide a person at search for just about any answer with what seems to look like an endless amount of links leading to what that individual could possibly be inquiring about. Then there are websites including GoogleMaps and Mapquest that help finding a destination and/or direction to such destination a â€Å"piece of cake†. Such websites are without a doubt handy in providing a driver with step by step directions to where he coul... ...ary†. Education Digest 67-1 (2001): 46-49. Academic Search Elite. Web. 13 March 2012. Keen, Andrew. â€Å"The Cult of the Amateur†. Perspectives on Argument. Ed. Nancy V. Wood. Boston. Pearson, 2012. 503-504. Print. Kirshenbaum, Matthew. â€Å"How Reading is Being Reimagined†. Perspectives on Argument. Ed. Nancy V. Wood. Boston. Pearson, 2012. 508-510. Print. O'Hear, Steve. "The Internet Can Increase Learning." Has Technology Increased Learning? Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. At Issue. Rpt. from "E-learning 2.0—\ How Web Technologies Are Shaping Education." learning_20.php. 2006. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 19 Mar. 2012. Wells, Melissa. â€Å"Internet-Related Problems Coming to The Attention of School Social Workers†. Children & Schools 28.4 (2006): 237-242. Academic Search Elite. Web. 13 March 2012.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Dubai Under Pressure

Under Pressure, Dubai Company Drops Port Deal 1. Discuss the role of political factors-both in the united states and in Dubai- played in the reversal of the port deal. Solution: This case talks about the disparity of the">American political parties against the ownership of port operation by the state owned Dubai company. The republicans and Democrats being the opposition party were disfavoring the sale of some terminal port operation to DP World an Arab state company.Even though Bush being the president of the ruling party was not able to stop the transfer of control of the terminals due to the force of political decision. The force that played in the reversal of the port deal was mostly security issues related with Arab world, there was a huge protest about economic security of United states. The Democrats and Republicans were backdrop of concern about possible terrorist attack . Whereas the ruler of Dubai was willing to transfer the lease to the American company to avoid any further damage.He also had to withdrew the deal to maintain a friendly relationship and to maintain a political stability in the host country. 2. How did the concerns of the US public result in a business decision by a Dubai company? Solution: As it is said in the case, that the outcome did nothing to solve the underlying issue exposed by an uproar that has consumed the capital for weeks. It means that the people were not happy but were panic stricken with the fact . The terror of 9/11 has created a phobia in mass.Media has stereotyped the American people by only showing the dark side of the Arab world. So the concerns of the US public result in a business decision was very unfavorable and prejudice. 3. Do you agree with the decision, accepting that transportation takes place through a global network of companies? Solution: Yes, I do agree with the above decision, because owning all the transportation company by the state would not be a feasible idea as well as the government would go against the practice of free economy if it is publicized by the government.As we have been learning from the start that completion and trade makes everyone better off, it would be very unfair and unjust if the transportation is nationalized. There is a high chance of cartel if its nationalized. 4. What are the implications of DP worlds withdrawal from global business and investment? Solution: It tries to imply us that not only economical but political understanding is also very necessary to start a successful business venture. Understand the political sentiment of the country also plays a very vital role in business decision.Various factors such as expropriation , forced sale of equity to host country, nationalization, discriminatory treatment to foreign country, barriers to repatriation, loss of technology, interference in management decision making, dishonesty by government officials are some of the various political risk today. So assessment of the political risk before entering into the foreign borders is what the case is trying to imply. Submitted By: Jayanta Mani Kayastha Roll No-11109 International Management IVth trimester SAIM College

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Product Life Cycle Theory Essay

One of the hypotheses that were existed in the world about the trading of goods and service is called the H-O; the theory said that the international trading would only happen inside countries that have different resources; Labor rich country will trade with capital rich country. However, the theory is not really working on the international trade, 60% of the trading volume in the world only happens with the developed country which rich of the same input which is capital. Therefore, because the H-O theory is not effective then it appears a new theory called the product life cycle. This product life cycle does not only explain about why the international trading dominated by the trading between the developed countries, but also explains about the background of emergence the multinational corporation. Transformation from H-O theory to PLC theory Improvement of a theory is on the improvement of the assumption. H-O theory is still a comparative statistical international trade which almost all variable is considered as exogenous or fixed (the changing is specified outside the model). It made there is a tendency that discussing international trade is just talked around assumption. In reality a lot of variable in H-O theory had changed in endogenous model, so it cannot be generally applied. It can only represent trading between labor-rich country and capital-rich country which only 40% of international trading volume. Further this theory weakness gives the opportunity of emergence of new international trade that can also represent another 60% of international trade in developed country, which is PLC theory. The new theory uses dynamic variable as driving motives of international trade and also can explains about the background of emergence the multinational corporation. Dynamic Characteristic of PLC Theory PLC theory is constructed from testable hypothesis about what will happen if all of relevant curve (in previous theory is considered as a constant or fixed) changes from time to time. This changing affects trade, and hereafter trade affects welfare. The changing conditions are supply and demand of trading commodity because the dependent variable of them (knowledge variable) does also change, received from R&D (Research and Development). Moreover technology does not fix any longer because of innovation and invention in R&D. Factor endowment does also change. One labor can produce more than one unit of a product. In PLC theory, comparative advantage of a country is not permanent. The occurred changing of using input for production process of a new product after that product is mature in the market and standardized at the production process will shift the cost advantage from one country to another country. For example is United State lost their comparative advantage in car manufacture because another country can produce it easier and low cost production with none R&D cost. Assumptions Comparison between H-O theory and PLC Theory H-O Theory PLC Theory Supply and Demand Condition Fixed, Ceteris Paribus Always Changing Knowledge Variable Given Investment Variable Determinants Quantity and Quality of Production Factor and Technology Fixed Changing in Time Market Competition Perfect Market Monopoly, RSG, Oligopoly Freight in Not Calculated Calculated Trade Condition Free Trade Tariff may be charged PLC Theory Derivation PLC Theory Definition PLC explains that product experiences three stages: introduction, maturity, and decline. In PLC theory, decline stage of a product can be delayed with international trade and developing national industry into multinational industry. PLC theory as a dynamic trading theory can explain these three areas: a) Reality of pattern and direction of international trade which is domination of developed country with rich of capital. b) Emergence of Multinational Corporation. How they (Oligopolies Corporation) get the market domination, face the competition, maintain and raise their market domination, increase their economic scale into a big business and further how they can reach the market power as global company. c) Expansion oligopolies global company to LDCs. PLC theory emphasizes at: a) Driving motives of innovation and invention which is emerged of market threat and promise. b) Punctual time to do innovation and invention. c) Communication to solve passiveness to the product and technology uncertainty problems. d) Utilizing economic of scale. e) Market domination strategy. Characteristic of commodity variety within developed country are: a) High price because of high R&D cost, so it has a tendency to be a luxury product in the introduction. b) Consumed by high income consumer c) Used economical labor, which can be changed with capital. Assumption Other assumptions used by PLC theory are: a) Corporations within developed country have not significant difference accessing to get and saturate knowledge, but the probability to use it is not same. b) The market has these characteristic: high income consumer, high labor cost, and relatively abundant capital. c) There are threat and promise at the market to enforce doing innovation and invention to maintain the profit. d) There is a promise to get a lot of profit in the introduction of monopoly product. e) There is an effective communication need between producer and consumer in the development of new product stage. To get that choosing production location is considered of closeness with market location. f) There are economies of scale with learning by doing behavior, and external economies because of closeness between market and production location. The Logic The logic here is straight forward — there are four stages in a product’s life cycle: Phase 1: New product stage The product is produced and consumed only in the producer country. Firms produce in the producer country because that is where demand is located, and these firms wish to stay close to the market to detect consumer response to the product. The characteristics of the product and the production process are in a state of change during this stage as firms seek to familiarize themselves with the product and the market. No international trade takes place. Phase 2: Maturing product stage In this stage, some general standards for the product and its characteristics begin to emerge, and mass production techniques start to be adopted. With more standardization in the production process, economies of scale start to be realized. In addition, foreign demand for the product grows, but it is associated particularly with other developed countries, since the product is catering to high-income demands. This rise in foreign demand (assisted by economies of scale) leads to a trade pattern whereby the producer exports the product to other high-income countries. Phase 3: Standardized product stage By this time in the product’s life cycle, the characteristics of the product itself and of the production process are well known; the product is familiar to consumers and the production process to producers. Vernon hypothesized that production may shift to the developing countries. Labor costs again play an important role, and the developed countries are busy introducing other products. Thus, the trade pattern is that the producer country (a developed country) and other developed countries may import the product from the developing countries. Phase 4: Dynamic comparative advantage The country source of exports shifts throughout the life cycle of the product. Early on, the innovating country exports the good but then it is displaced by other developed countries – which in turn are ultimately displaced by the developing countries. A casual glance at product history yields this kind of pattern in a general way. For example, electronic products such as television receivers were for many years a prominent export of the United States, but Europe and especially Japan emerged as competitors, causing the U.S. share of the market to diminish dramatically. It because R&D cost of Europe and Japan is less than R&D cost did by United States

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Comparision of Rome and Sparta essays

Comparision of Rome and Sparta essays Sparta and Rome were military behemoths in their time, marching over rival armies without hesitation. Between around 600 B.C. and 370 B.C., Sparta was renowned for its incredible military strength, and was feared throughout Greece and the rest of the world. The Roman Empires armies dominated the world in much of the same way, conquering Gaul, Germania, Britain, North Africa, West Asia and all of Southern Europe. The Spartan and Roman soldiers were highly trained soldiers who could defeat any foe. The structure of the Roman and Spartan armies was incredibly similar, which suggests that Rome based their army on Spartas phalanx, which was what a Spartan army was called. The Spartan military's singular focus of individual prowess on the battlefield was the foremost fault in their system, whereas Rome's focus on each small group's aptitude in battle allowed their nearly identically composed army to achieve more. When a Spartan boy was born, the conventional childhood for him was far removed from what childhood is perceived in the majority of societies. A boy would spend the first seven years of his life at home, where his mother would teach him the basics of life, whilst his father, still enlisted in the army, was living at his barracks. When the boy turned seven, the state would remove him from his household and take control of his adolescence. He would then begin agoge, which was a very intense discipline and education program with a predominantly military philosophy taught by the army. The state would enlist each seven year old boy in an Agele, which was a troop, where training would begin. Elder Spartan men were the supervisors of these Ageles, and also acted as instructors for the boys. When a group of boys turned thirteen, one was chosen among them to become the Eirena. This choice was based on sensibility and strength in a boy, and when chosen, the Eirena would have partial leaders hip transferred to him. Gymnastics, ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Aldous Huxley’s Shakespearian Dystopia

The Shakespearean dystopia of Aldous Huxley Shakespeare’s works revel as masterpieces centuries after their debut, influencing generations of writers including 20th century author Aldous Huxley. Huxley’s 1932 novel, Brave New World, stands as a distinct reincarnation of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, fusing a disturbing reality of a dystopian future with the key aspects of a classical Shakespearian piece. Ira Grushow highlights the similarities of these two pieces to determine Huxley’s question between innovation and emotion. Grushow reveals astounding evidence that links Huxley’s Brave New World to Shakespeare’s The Tempest by acknowledging the characteristics of Shakespeare’s piece and how they overlay Huxley’s critique on society and human values. Huxley’s novel, at its core, comes across as a reincarnation of The Tempest. Grushow exposes this by drawing comparisons between characters in both pieces. The article specifies how Bernard compares to Caliban as a â€Å"deformed monster and unwilling slave of Prospero,† (Grushow 43). Huxley intentionally made Bernard â€Å"eight centimetres short of the standard Alpha height,† and points it out continuously as a deformity (Huxley 64). Additionally, Huxley displays Mustapha Mond as â€Å"a father†¦to†¦ all under his care† (Grushow 44). A direct connection to Prospero, the father and controller in Shakespeare’s piece, Huxley demonstrates deeper insight into the traits of Shakespeare’s Prospero through Mond. Mond meets a different end then Prospero which allows Huxley to explore a new perspective while still keeping constant the main character traits. Even the character’s actions mirror the play as near the end Bernard â€Å"j umped up, ran across the room, and stood gesticulating in front of the Controller,† (Huxley 226). In surrender toward Mond, as a slave would to a master, Bernard proves to be a recreation of Caliban. The comparison of the two works enlighten new perspectives on old characters. Grushow’s article outlines Huxley’s critique on society through Huxley’s use of Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s work symbolizes classical literature and art in our society, it remains relevant because it resonates with reader. In Huxley’s world, connection and art mean nothing, everything Shakespeare’s work epitomizes results in misery in the World State. Huxley writes, â€Å"Making ninety-six human beings grow where only one grew before. Progress,† (Huxley 6). Blunt and effective, he glorifies progress and happiness whereas Shakespeare idealized passion. This shows the â€Å"full measure of the difference between Shakespeare’s vision of an ideal world and Huxley’s† (Grushow 43). The â€Å"ideal world† that Huxley portrays is convincing, nevertheless. Innovation and progress bring the promise of happiness in contrast to the tragedies many of Shakespeare’s heroes met. Huxley is arguing that society may be b etter off abandoning the arts, that â€Å"community, identity, stability,† and progress champion as the key aspects to an ideal world (Huxley 3). Even with the underlying darkness and horror that Brave New World displays, Huxley’s rhetoric succeeds in portraying a perfect world and vilifying the values Shakespeare represented. Huxley’s intentional comparisons to The Tempest help readers understand the disparity between passion and happiness and how both cannot coexist. By the end of the novel Huxley leaves his readers a dilemma with the things we value including art, emotion, and purpose. He argues that our morals and ideals counteract our nature as human beings. As Grushow states, â€Å"is his [John’s] code of morality any less obsolete†¦ in our new world than it is in the Brave New World?† John, who roughly represented modern society in contrast to the advanced World State, was the reader’s connection into Huxley’s world. Disgusted and horrified from the first page, reader sympathized easily with John and thought him honorable because he portrayed values we glorify including chastity, sacrifice to higher beings, and self-denial. However, by the end, readers recoiled from John whipping himself and denying himself even small pleasures like making a bow. Huxley describes â€Å"he shouted at every blow as though it were Lenina† (Huxley 252). John thinks of punishing Lenina, and, in the frenzy, sees her, becomes delusional from soma, and sleeps with her. It becomes apparent that passions and values that the reader supports cannot exist in the happy civilized world Huxley created. John, succumbing to sleeping with Lenina and killing himself in shame exemplifies the death of our ideals. Along with Shakespeare and our advancement in science, Huxley binds together the past and present to create an ideal future that disposes of the values of society. Huxley reincarnates Shakespeare’s characters from The Tempest and steers them into a new world, an ideal world that mirrors our own, as proven by Grushow. By constantly alluding to Shakespeare, Huxley connects a past filled with morality and values to his future of apathy and progress. Huxley presents to us a warning, that if our society progresses toward a brave new world as Huxley sees it, it will sacrifice our beliefs for the promise of happiness. This caution of the future lets readers stop and question as they successfully feel the effect of Huxley’s message. Works cited Grushow, Ira. â€Å"Brave New World and The Tempest.† College English, vol. 24, no. 1, 1962, pp. 42–45. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Bros., 1946. Print.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comparative criminal justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Comparative criminal justice - Essay Example The ranking was done on 179 countries from the least corrupt to the most corrupt. The corruption perception index was 9.4 for Demark, which the least corrupt, 2.9 for Bolivia, and 1.4 for Myanmar, which was ranked as the most corrupt among the countries, studied (Transparency International Web). This paper will focus on comparing the official crime rates of bribery, and drug offences per 100,000 in Denmark, Bolivia, and Myanmar. The paper will analyze the degree of cross-national differences and try to explain the differences in crime rates in the three countries. Bribery and drug offences are two crimes that are illegal in addition to involving a lot of corruption. The eighth United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, which was done for the period between 2001 and 2002, showed that these crimes are still persistent (United Nations Web). In 2001, 37,553 crimes were committed in Bolivia, which is equivalent to 435.80 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Crimes were higher in Denmark where a grand 473,290 crimes were committed in 2001, which equates to 8,831.69 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. In Myanmar, 19,873 crimes were reported which equates to 41.24 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2002, the total number of crimes declined in Myanmar and Bolivia but increased in Denmark. The total numbers of crimes were 18,301 in Myanmar, 31,138 in Bolivia and 491,026 in Denmark. In relation to bribery and drug offences, Bolivia had the highest number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in both 2001 and 2002. The records by the United Nations shows that out of every 100,000 inhabitants 0.22 and 0.28 bribery crimes were recorded in Bolivia in 2001 and 2002 respectively. In case of Denmark, there were 0.09 and 0.07 bribery crimes for the years 2001 and 2002 respectively. Though ranked as the most